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Evo twin pot brake upgrade for GSR

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Tried to post this on another forum, but have had no response so thought i'd pick a few brains on here.

I've been using the twinpots now for about a month on my GSR.

Just a small question, what have you guys that have done the same mod done with your dust shields at the back of the brake setup?

Just wondering if others have left these shields on, and if not are there any dramas in doing so? I notced the ABS line is supported by a bracket on the shield, so i'll obviously have to support that some other way to stop it touching the brake rotor.





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I've done the single to twin swap on my vr4, and just cut the 'lip' off the edge of the sheild, so it no longer curvers over the edge of the disc - no more scraping sounds :D



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I havent done this to my car but will be very soon however a mate of mine did recently and had the same situation as you describe, I'm pretty sure we just used a pair of pliers to bend the sheild out slightly so it had enough clearance. I would try this before cutting it.

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