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  • PipPipPip
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Well after sorting out all my car troubles or so i thought i was driving along and out of nowhere i get this rumbling noise and vibration from my front left wheel area :cry: It mostly occurs when accelerating through 2-3 gears under load. I have checked the hub and wheel with the help of a mechanic friend which looked ok then took it for a test drive and there wasnt much of a vibration then when i drove off thinking everything was ok it started again i was like wtf! could this be because of the was passengers weight? This is really wierd vibration so any help would be apreciated. My mate didnt have time to check over it again as he was at work and just spent a few hours fixing my alternator :lol: so im on my own with this one! ow and almost feels like clutch slip but from the front left hand side :idea:

p.s cars are evil :evil:
maroon VR4 complete stocky!



    Don't drive it, RALLY it!

  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
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  • LocationJoyner, Brisbane.
The front left cv shaft goes to a jack shaft which has a bearing bolted to the back of the block. You can get at it from under the car, its roughly above the exhaust. It bolts to the block with two bolts from memory. If that comes loose, that could cause your vibration.

I would check that imediately. If it comes off, it could do a fair bit of damage to other things.
Chrome hater No. 1.
Former owner of the pair of ass kicking boots for purchasers of cheap ebay chinese knock off turbos. - Ass kicking boots now for sale SOLD.

VR4 - the "Old Skool" evo!

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