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  • Locationchch, nz - the main land :P
ive contemplated for a long time going with either the 2.3L or building the 2.4L
i know rob is making the big rpm on the 2.4 so at least i know its possible to do and still rev high.
hardest apart i guess is finding a complete 4g64 6 bolt.
or i could sell out and build the 7 bolt bottom end and use the vr4 head on my current engine.
Posted Image 9.96 @ 133 mph



    yoni lover

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for a 6 bolt 2.4 blocked stroker you need a hyundai block im pretty sure.

89-92 sonata??????? cant remember now

GENUINE CE9A evo2 gsr track car
all fabrication BJP AUTOMOTIVE
winton 1:27.4 /// sandown 1:21.5 /// phillip island 1:49.2 /// haunted hills 59.1
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i plan on going to 2.2L mid next year

unsure yet of what brand still getting quotes on not just the block port and polish on head what cams and so on alot of tech and research trying to find out what will suit me best



    VR4 and Cordia nut

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i want a 6ltr.....but i doubt the ggsr has the space :P


there was that civic.....

theres an e8 in the states with a v8 in it.

i know of 2 cars that has the stroker well one has it already and the other is being built.

built by the same person whos built my car.

there is a cordia with a 377 v8 in in it..


not something for a day to day car though... unfortunately :(.. hehe




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theres an e8 in the states with a v8 in it.

The white blown one?

I think that's in the middle east somewhere - but yeah, cool as fuck :D

If (god forbid) my bottom end ever decides to ventilate itself, I'll get Mick to slap together a 64 and throw my head on it. I reckon the 3076 and a the 2.4 would be a killer combination.

They're not quite as easy to build tough as the '63 is though..



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i want a de-stroked 2.1 :P

Got any info on this? Sounds pretty wild.



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yep, check this out:
1984 Mazda RX7

2000 Triumph Daytona 955i

1991 Mitsubishi Galant VR4 2.3l Stroker [SOLD]




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YOU SICKEN ME MATT!!!! :shock:



    Uses thread locker.

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i was pretty sure that a 2.1 was just a 4G64 block with a 4G61 crank with longer rods.

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