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TomTom XL Group Buy - RUN AND WON!!!!

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is this still available?

So not only the VR4 is slow bazeng? ;)

For those that missed out, if you're still keen, the name of the guy at the
store you need to speak to is Clayton - good luck with it all

And I can't agree with myself more on that. Give Clayton a call, mention
the group buy and see what he can do for you .....
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is this still available?

So not only the VR4 is slow bazeng? ;)

For those that missed out, if you're still keen, the name of the guy at the
store you need to speak to is Clayton - good luck with it all

And I can't agree with myself more on that. Give Clayton a call, mention
the group buy and see what he can do for you .....

I just got mine on the w/e for dad from good guys nunawading, $425. Good service from Frank. 1 yr extended warrenty is an extra $39 as well so I thought just in case otherwise its $60 just to look at it from TomTom.
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bazeng wrote:
is this still available?

So not only the VR4 is slow bazeng? Wink

I've already got one, but thinking of getting another.....

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