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Posted 08 November 2005 - 02:21 AM
Will be devoting some more time to this in the near future. Not quite sure what will be happening though.
And yes, I know nobody cares but i'm telling you anyway.
Posted 08 November 2005 - 09:04 AM
Dsmlink V3 + E85 11.37 @ 131.46 ... still more in her
Remember Kids... Google does not equal research!
How much time do you spend in a parking lot with your performance car? If you do a lot of parking lot driving, and hang out in parking lots, chances are you are a ricer, go home and read import tuner. If you’re complaining about noise you should not be modifying your car. You should also consider no longer being a man, please hand in your genitals at the door.
Posted 08 November 2005 - 11:39 AM
I know how you feel..
massive weight off your shoulders...
I'm hoping I pass with flying colours..
But now i have no idea wtf im gonna do with my time!!!
Its good because i can get my vr4 back on the road, but i guess i'll have to look for full time work..
AMG | http://www.4gtuner.c...mmc-galant-amg/
GVR4 | http://www.4gtuner.c...shi-galant-vr4/
Springy Motors | Autronic | Motec
Posted 08 November 2005 - 11:40 AM
Posted 08 November 2005 - 11:42 AM
i finished my course about a year and a half ago, best feeling ever!
i'm thinking about going back and doing more study, but meh! we'll see what happens!
anyway, hope you guys got the results you wanted!
2000 Triumph Daytona 955i
1991 Mitsubishi Galant VR4 2.3l Stroker [SOLD]
Posted 08 November 2005 - 11:50 AM
hopefully open up another business with the family for me to operate
which year you at now lorrie??..
matt, what did u finish?
did u end up working in that industry?
AMG | http://www.4gtuner.c...mmc-galant-amg/
GVR4 | http://www.4gtuner.c...shi-galant-vr4/
Springy Motors | Autronic | Motec
Posted 08 November 2005 - 12:04 PM
2000 Triumph Daytona 955i
1991 Mitsubishi Galant VR4 2.3l Stroker [SOLD]
Posted 08 November 2005 - 11:46 PM
school>work. wouldn't have it any other way
i'm the only one of my mates working full time and on over 40k a year
Posted 08 November 2005 - 11:57 PM
Posted 09 November 2005 - 04:10 AM
Posted 09 November 2005 - 05:02 AM
Posted 09 November 2005 - 08:41 PM
never went to uni and made nothing of my self Laughing ... yet i feel great
lol, love the comment..
although it's over, its kinda scarey as my lifestyle will have to change
i love the student life
AMG | http://www.4gtuner.c...mmc-galant-amg/
GVR4 | http://www.4gtuner.c...shi-galant-vr4/
Springy Motors | Autronic | Motec
Posted 09 November 2005 - 09:13 PM
lol, love the comment..
although it's over, its kinda scarey as my lifestyle will have to change
i love the student life
really? i hated it! ...well, the always having to do homework, always being broke, etc. etc. I do miss the holidays though and the social life there.
full time work kind of sucks, I feel like all I do is wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep, etc. but the constant cashflow is something that would be hard to give up if I was to go back to uni or something like that.
2000 Triumph Daytona 955i
1991 Mitsubishi Galant VR4 2.3l Stroker [SOLD]
Posted 10 November 2005 - 12:47 AM
somehow i saved for my vr4 doing about 10 hours a week :shock:
and now i've got the money it would take me ages to save that sort of money
Posted 10 November 2005 - 03:05 AM
I'll grow up..... one day
Posted 10 November 2005 - 03:57 AM
my income isn't too bad tough for a student..
i dont really go to uni, i just do the work and study at home after work..
i dont think i ever want to grow up
AMG | http://www.4gtuner.c...mmc-galant-amg/
GVR4 | http://www.4gtuner.c...shi-galant-vr4/
Springy Motors | Autronic | Motec
Posted 10 November 2005 - 04:33 AM
Savings terribly hard.... what with getting pissed every weekend :shock:
I'll grow up..... one day
Tell me about it!!!! :shock:
It's ridiculous! Been spending $100 a night lately! Not good for the car!
2000 Triumph Daytona 955i
1991 Mitsubishi Galant VR4 2.3l Stroker [SOLD]
Posted 10 November 2005 - 08:01 AM
Tell me about it!!!! :shock:
It's ridiculous! Been spending $100 a night lately! Not good for the car!
you just aint going to the right establishments
special thanks to - TRIKFAB | Tropic Motors | Springy Motors
Posted 10 November 2005 - 10:44 PM
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