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What to look for in buying a VR4?
Posted 09 March 2008 - 10:15 AM
Posted 10 March 2008 - 03:13 AM
did you want an aus or jap version
black aus spec vr4
red 86 diesel pajero
2008 yamaha wr 250 r
go the 4 bangers
Posted 10 March 2008 - 03:17 AM
Could you please fill in what town/city you are in in your profile too please?
Dsmlink V3 + E85 11.37 @ 131.46 ... still more in her
Remember Kids... Google does not equal research!
How much time do you spend in a parking lot with your performance car? If you do a lot of parking lot driving, and hang out in parking lots, chances are you are a ricer, go home and read import tuner. If you’re complaining about noise you should not be modifying your car. You should also consider no longer being a man, please hand in your genitals at the door.
Posted 10 March 2008 - 08:58 AM
Depending where in Qld you are I am sure that one of us could come and look it over with you when you find one.
Could you please fill in what town/city you are in in your profile too please?
startin to get picky with the location field now tim?
Posted 10 March 2008 - 09:01 AM
Everything as it is an old car now
did you want an aus or jap version
I read on another site that the only real differences are body kit and intercooler. But honestly, not to sure yet, suppose if comes to what is out there. Im not after one right now, still got a little more saving but wanting to know what to look out for ahead of time. Is there any spot where they like to rust?
Posted 10 March 2008 - 09:23 AM
Depending where in Qld you are I am sure that one of us could come and look it over with you when you find one.
Could you please fill in what town/city you are in in your profile too please?
startin to get picky with the location field now tim?
Well it would be pointless to offer to go look at a car for him seeing as he is in Rockhampton Craig.
Nothing to do with being picky.
Dsmlink V3 + E85 11.37 @ 131.46 ... still more in her
Remember Kids... Google does not equal research!
How much time do you spend in a parking lot with your performance car? If you do a lot of parking lot driving, and hang out in parking lots, chances are you are a ricer, go home and read import tuner. If you’re complaining about noise you should not be modifying your car. You should also consider no longer being a man, please hand in your genitals at the door.
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