Ok fellas, Easter is upon us!
Time for a BBQ and a cruise.
I propose we BBQ at mine on Easter sat(late arvo I think)
Then cruise to either crystal creek or some swimming hole on the monday.
Ive been driving around Charters towers way and the roads are tops(110k zone-flat highway then nice curves etc... ) and there are rivers/creeks flowing and swimming holes everywhere!
Harveys range road to the back of charters then back via Calcium?
What do you think?
Ryan you know any good places around?
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Easter Weekend.
Started by 3zercrowd, Mar 16 2008 01:41 PM
Posted 16 March 2008 - 01:41 PM
Dane/Lancer GSR
[email protected]!!!
STILL Needs more Kilowatts!
Members rides> http://4gtuner.com/s...read.php?t=1910
BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??
Dane/Lancer GSR
[email protected]!!!
STILL Needs more Kilowatts!
Members rides> http://4gtuner.com/s...read.php?t=1910
Posted 17 March 2008 - 07:15 AM
Not too sure mate but ill be up for a bbq or what ever.. ill actually be home this weekend!
Posted 17 March 2008 - 07:17 AM
Posted 17 March 2008 - 07:26 AM
Posted 17 March 2008 - 07:59 AM
Dane can you change my username to "Jason Butthurts"
Jason Butthurts...no worries!
Dane/Lancer GSR
[email protected]!!!
STILL Needs more Kilowatts!
Members rides> http://4gtuner.com/s...read.php?t=1910
BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??
Dane/Lancer GSR
[email protected]!!!
STILL Needs more Kilowatts!
Members rides> http://4gtuner.com/s...read.php?t=1910
Posted 18 March 2008 - 12:12 PM
Posted 20 March 2008 - 08:32 AM
Yeah nothing big man.
Just BBQ at mine Sat 6PM.
Bring your own meat and drinks(Alcoholic, although I do have some....)
Mini cruise to Crystal creek mon for a swim.
Only 45 mins to get there.
Whos coming?
Just BBQ at mine Sat 6PM.
Bring your own meat and drinks(Alcoholic, although I do have some....)
Mini cruise to Crystal creek mon for a swim.
Only 45 mins to get there.
Whos coming?
Dane/Lancer GSR
[email protected]!!!
STILL Needs more Kilowatts!
Members rides> http://4gtuner.com/s...read.php?t=1910
BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??
Dane/Lancer GSR
[email protected]!!!
STILL Needs more Kilowatts!
Members rides> http://4gtuner.com/s...read.php?t=1910
Posted 20 March 2008 - 08:34 AM
I saw three of these parked outside the local Starbucks this morning, which tells me only one thing. There's too many self indulgent weeners in this city with too much bloody money. Now, if I was driving a 1992 Mitsubishi Vr4 Galant? You would not be a self indulgent weener sir. You'd be a connoisseur. Precisely, Champagne would fall from the heavens, Doors would open, Velvet ropes would part.
Posted 20 March 2008 - 09:20 AM
Big turn out ay?
I'll definatly come, just remember to remind me Dane or I will forget for sure.
Don't care where we go either, just remember the cruiser doesn't get up hills quickly
I'll definatly come, just remember to remind me Dane or I will forget for sure.
Don't care where we go either, just remember the cruiser doesn't get up hills quickly
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