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I have some items up for sale

Stock evo 6 manifold $100ono
Stock evo 6 dump pipe $75ono
Stock evo 6 Front pipe $75ono

Stock evo 6 Struts (no strut tops) $50ono

Cyber Evo/Garage HRS PnP ECU $500ono

Also have Some Japanese option VHS videos I got 5 of them one being a ralliart speical looking at $25 in perfect condition as i can not watch these do not have a NTSC Video in new condition looking at $25each ono will post pictures of covers tonight

Gizzmo Launch control and Gizzmo Shift light tacho recall these are used will sell the lot for $250 have seen it work on a skyline never got the chance to have it installed in my car can be installed in melb by creatd

reason for selling is looking at getting motec or somthing with launch control built in

All items are located in s.e suburbs of Melb and im open to offers on all items just trying to clear out the shed for more room

Please ether PM me or email me at i2obert AT hotmail DOT com

and i will give you my mobile number or just talk via that i will post up pictures tonight of the items

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