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Proposed drag day. NOTE: date change!

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All I can say is LoL
AE93 Corolla - 20v 4age and preparing to strip.



    Don't drive it, RALLY it!

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  • LocationJoyner, Brisbane.
Thanks for the offer of generosity Troy, but unless a wanky blue belt is going to suddenly improve my driving ability to Ari status, or magically remove the hail damage from the vr4's body, or work as effectively as a hydraulic handbrake would, or give me another 20 or so hp, then I would rather:
A) Apply for home loans all day, everyday
B) Drive a Holden
C) Drive a Ford
D) Wear "I love Kylie Minogue" underwear
E) All of the above

Besides, if I got a wanky "Azure" coloured belt, I would have to find something else to payout on all your guys about, although finding something else is probably not all that hard.

My point is that I have yet to see a normal black timing belt break when they have been changed at the proper intervals, and not due to something else stuffing up and causing the belt to break. I have a mate that has made a tow rope out of old timing belts.
Chrome hater No. 1.
Former owner of the pair of ass kicking boots for purchasers of cheap ebay chinese knock off turbos. - Ass kicking boots now for sale SOLD.

VR4 - the "Old Skool" evo!



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HaHa Rob all i have to say is "D".
AE93 Corolla - 20v 4age and preparing to strip.




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  • LocationLogan, Brisbane
C'mon .. you know you want one even if it is for the "WOW look at the wanky Blue Belt" factor!!

BTW isn't gasless wire bloody horrorible to use!!!

I chucked it in the cupboard and now using stainless wire with the argon from the TIG. TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

The amount of shit that it throws around is crazy!

yeah ... that's it ...
GOD = An imaginary friend for grown-ups!
Aussie GSR CC Lancer - stroked to 2.4ltr - 275kws low boost, std fuel no cheating!
Now fitted with some serious AP 4pot 330mm stoppers!
Also proud owner of some nice new ARSE KICKING BOOTS - No FleaBAY crap!
on a lazy day 12.001 @ 117mph with way too much wheel spin



    Don't drive it, RALLY it!

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  • LocationJoyner, Brisbane.
Yeh, tried gasless for the first time the other weekend, antispatter spray helped a bit. But atleast with gasless I could get into the the fiddly corners of the rollcage whereas with gas I wouldn't have been able to get the tip of the gun in close enough. I sprayed everything with cooking spray to stop the splatter sticking.

Not everyone is lucky enough to own a tig, AND actually know how to use it :mad:
Chrome hater No. 1.
Former owner of the pair of ass kicking boots for purchasers of cheap ebay chinese knock off turbos. - Ass kicking boots now for sale SOLD.

VR4 - the "Old Skool" evo!

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