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Team4G | Dyno Day @ Springy Motors | 28-6-08 | Results Pg11|

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    Diamonds are forever....

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off topic but my car made over 546 nm of torque, does that sound wierd?


IIRC, if you divide your torque at the wheels by the gear ratio, then you get NM at the engine...



    Gday maaaate

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I'll take a copy Rob.

I know a few of the guys who aren't on here will take a few copies.

Boys, try and support Rob as he has spent alot of time on this. It will also allow Rob to attend more T4G events in the future.

Rob, you should also leave a few copies @ Springy Motors, so guys can pick them up from the counter.

Good stuff buddy.



    Diamonds are forever....

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Rob, you should also leave a few copies @ Springy Motors, so guys can pick them up from the counter.

Good idea. I'll take a copy too.

Start a new thread perhaps??




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Thanks Baz.

I'm going to make up a stack of copies and leave them at Springy Motors, they'll be down there by the end of the week.

I'm looking forward to more Team4G events, cruises, drags and track days in particular, should be a lot of fun, and we'll up end up with some awesome footage!

Cheers, Rob.

I'll take a copy Rob.

I know a few of the guys who aren't on here will take a few copies.

Boys, try and support Rob as he has spent alot of time on this. It will also allow Rob to attend more T4G events in the future.

Rob, you should also leave a few copies @ Springy Motors, so guys can pick them up from the counter.

Good stuff buddy.

LeadFoot Productions

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