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Question about harness's

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  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
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  • LocationMordialloc, Melbourne
As rob said they are a pain in the ass for day to day driving.
I wear em pretty slack on the way to scruitineering :wink:

As for UV destroying them :roll: No more than any other seatbelt.
Harnesses have FIA date stamps on them for this and other reasons but thats only about managing risk at international motorsport level.
Doesnt mean the 30 year old belts in mums corolla are safe!
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95 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Rallycar. 4g93T

92 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 1 4g63T

04 Subaru Liberty GT Roadcar. EJ20T.

94 Mitsubshi Canter Truck. 6D31T - lol!

05 Toyata Hilux Ute V6

95 Holden Commodore Ute V6

00 Holden Rodeo ute V6

73 HQ Holden 1 tonner 308.

And a couple more.....



    yoni lover

  • Active Members
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where have you been hiding trev?

GENUINE CE9A evo2 gsr track car
all fabrication BJP AUTOMOTIVE
winton 1:27.4 /// sandown 1:21.5 /// phillip island 1:49.2 /// haunted hills 59.1
/// eastern creek 1:35.4 /// winton short 1:01.4




  • Active Members
  • PipPipPip
  • 583 posts
  • LocationMordialloc, Melbourne
Crazy busy at work from those storms and building a new chipper truck after writng off the old one, and at home with a 3 month old bub :shock: :smt101

Not much time for cars and internet lately :cry:

But light is at the end of the tunnel.
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95 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR Rallycar. 4g93T

92 Mitsubishi Lancer EVO 1 4g63T

04 Subaru Liberty GT Roadcar. EJ20T.

94 Mitsubshi Canter Truck. 6D31T - lol!

05 Toyata Hilux Ute V6

95 Holden Commodore Ute V6

00 Holden Rodeo ute V6

73 HQ Holden 1 tonner 308.

And a couple more.....

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