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Blue smoke while starting

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there aren't any seals between the turbo's coolant passage and the turbine shaft, the coolant cools the housing, not the shaft directly - unless you have a big crack in the centre housing (unlikely enough for it to not really be worth mentioning) the steam isn't comming from the turbo.

does it just 'steam' when you start it, then stop after a while? or does it do it continuously?



    nOOb to the EVO

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for a while, than stop. i just noticed condensation on the inside of the tail pipe.
Put yourself in my position - Buy a car noone has heard of or seen in your area, and try to get help fixing it. I don't mean to be such a n00b but be patient and answer any Q's i have and i can relay that info to others who struggle like me ;)


Edmonton, Alberta



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for a while, than stop. i just noticed condensation on the inside of the tail pipe.

Sure its not just the standard steam, its been kinda cold over here(well for over here) and mine will steam for the first five mins of driving in the morning and its garaged over night.



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As above - "they all do that sir"

it's normal - even if it's really hot, to have some steam for a while when you first start the car, moisture condenses in the exhaust overnight and being underneath the car it doesn't get warm enough to evaporate until you start the engine.



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As above - "they all do that sir"

it's normal - even if it's really hot, to have some steam for a while when you first start the car, moisture condenses in the exhaust overnight and being underneath the car it doesn't get warm enough to evaporate until you start the engine.

Not to mention that water is a resultant component of combustion anyway.

The main emissions of a car engine are:
  • Nitrogen gas (N2) - Air is 78-percent nitrogen gas, and most of this passes right through the car engine.
  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) - This is one product of combustion. The carbon in the fuel bonds with the oxygen in the air.
  • Water vapor (H2O) - This is another product of combustion. The hydrogen in the fuel bonds with the oxygen in the air.


BTW... does anyone else have a sore ass??

Dane/Lancer GSR

[email protected]!!!

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