I have been registered on here for a while, when I was sourcing turbo parts for my CE Lancer I used to own, well I turbo'ed it and had that for 18 months, now I've moved onto the real thing...an Evo VII.
Love it to bits, its stock at the moment, but looking at doing ALOT of things to it, all in due time ofcourse.
Anyway, I will post up some pics.
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Hey everyone
Started by BO-00-ZT, Sep 16 2008 09:49 AM
Posted 16 September 2008 - 09:49 AM
Blue Evo VII
Mods: Turbo XS TBE, HKS RS Reloaded Intake, MR BOV,
Bling: CF Vortex Generator, 15% Tinted Windows, Satin Black Powdercoated Wheels,
Mods: Turbo XS TBE, HKS RS Reloaded Intake, MR BOV,
Bling: CF Vortex Generator, 15% Tinted Windows, Satin Black Powdercoated Wheels,
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