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Preston Motors Ralliart Lancer Launch Day 15/11/08

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  • Active Members
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Hi Guys and Girls,

Im a new to team4g and would like to devolpe some good relationships on here.

I am promoting the all new Ralliart Lancer 4wd Turbo which is just around the corner. This is going to be afordable and packs most of the Evo X running gear. For anyone that is intrested in the Ralliart Lancer please feel free to contact me. I will be holding a launch day by invitation only so send your inquires today. Inquire today to get your invitation.

Anyone out there with any clean cc lancer gsr hit me up as i would like to have some on display on the launch day.

Fisrt 20 people that arrive to the launch day and have filled my inquiry form will receice a peice of ralliart merchandise. Send away.

[email protected]



Hope to hear back


Preston Motors Ralliarthttp://4gtuner.com/site/picture.php?albumid=8&pictureid=23

Edited by PRESTON_MOTORS_RALLIART, 04 October 2008 - 07:11 AM.
adding text



    Nothing Under 35psi!

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Welcome aboard Nick

I have already signed up for this guys, hopefully we can throw some support behind this and possibly make it a mini Team 4G day and bring along the mighty misty's from the forum.

Dont be shy guys sign up and hopefully ill see ayou all there.

Nick will shortly be posting up the launch date which isnt to far away :)

Who knows, you might just walk away a proud owner of the Ralliart Lancer as Nick knows how to twist ones arm hahahaha

Thanks for joining Nick




  • Active Members
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Hi Guys and Girls,

Im a new to team4g and would like to devolpe some good relationships on here.

I am promoting the all new Ralliart Lancer 4wd Turbo which is just around the corner. This is going to be afordable and packs most of the Evo X running gear. For anyone that is intrested in the Ralliart Lancer please feel free to contact me. I will be holding a launch day by invitation only so send your inquires today. Inquire today to get your invitation.

Anyone out there with any clean cc lancer gsr hit me up as i would like to have some on display on the launch day.



Hope to hear back


Preston Motors Ralliart[/quote]




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  • LocationCampbellfeild Vic
hey guys,

Here is a bit of an incentive for the first 20 people that arrive to my Ralliart Launch day there will be ralliart merchandise give aways. However i will need you to fill out the form on my webpage and i will keep record of the first 20 people that arrive and mark them off on the day.

There will also have a BBQ and drinks provided so send inquires through.


Preston Motors Ralliart


Edited by PRESTON_MOTORS_RALLIART, 02 October 2008 - 03:46 AM.
wrong website



    Nothing Under 35psi!

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Good stuff Nick.... Shot gun i get to take it for a hoon hahaha



    Nothing Under 35psi!

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Come guys register on the site and be there to check out Mitsubishi's latest pocket rocket and WRX KILA :))))))




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hehe we maybe doing an ecutek tune to the new evo x shortly.

would like to come to this but have AS on this weekend.
We are the Aftermarket & rare parts Specialists

( New website coming soon please stay tuned! for now please visit & LIKE our FACEBOOK PAGE )

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