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Wanted: Full set of 5x114.3 wheels to borrow or buy cheaply

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Wanted: Full set of 5x114.3 wheels to fit an Evo VII.
Reason: I want to get my stock Evo VII wheels powdercoated and need some wheels to use while mine are away getting blasted & powdercoated.
Would ideally love to borrow some off someone for only a week max. I'm located on the Central Coast and can meet in Syd or New to pick up .
Plan B is to buy a cheap pair with decent enough tyres to get me around for a week.
Thanks everyone
Blue Evo VII
Mods: Turbo XS TBE, HKS RS Reloaded Intake, MR BOV,
Bling: CF Vortex Generator, 15% Tinted Windows, Satin Black Powdercoated Wheels,




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Want to hurry up and get my rims powdercoated! :(
Blue Evo VII
Mods: Turbo XS TBE, HKS RS Reloaded Intake, MR BOV,
Bling: CF Vortex Generator, 15% Tinted Windows, Satin Black Powdercoated Wheels,



    Diamonds are forever....

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  • LocationMelbourne VIC
Chuck it on some stands dude. If you time it right, you could have them done in 2 days...... :D

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