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Member Since 04 Sep 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 10 2023 11:40 AM

In Topic: Inconsistent Battery Voltage

18 December 2015 - 05:51 AM

It's a stock loom from a vr4 loom. Connected to a cb lancer interior loom.

I never really had this issue since I've had the car and it's been years.

I've just check with a meter at the ecu and reads same as ecmlink but lower than from the battery and fuse box.

Thanks. I'll have to check my injectors voltage. So like a 2 in 1 related problem

In Topic: Inconsistent Battery Voltage

17 December 2015 - 08:45 PM

Alright this morning I had a few voltage drops but not as many as I did before. I'll have re check loose grounds again


Is it likely it could be the alternator getting to hot for wot runs? I've got a 3" stainless steel dump pipe. Once the dollar goes up I'll move the alternator to the back.

In Topic: Xmas Cruise

17 December 2015 - 10:29 AM

i totally missed this! 


My car is running so we better do this soon before it doesn't haha

In Topic: Inconsistent Battery Voltage

17 December 2015 - 10:17 AM

Yay! So far battery stayed consistent. I didn't get a chance to do any runs.


These are the new results I noted done when I got home. Though the stats are lower than before  :wacko:




Battery - 12.62

Fuse box - 12.57

Ecmlink - 11.9



Engine on (no load):

Battery - 13.75

Fuse box - 13.7

Ecmlink - 13.1



Engine on (with max load):

Battery - 13.72

Fuse box - 13.74

Ecmlink - 12.2

In Topic: Inconsistent Battery Voltage

16 December 2015 - 11:36 PM

During highway driving 90-100kph


rev cycling between 2600 - 3000rpm


the voltage will jump from 11.3 - 13.3 


6 times over a duration of 1.30mins