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Member Since 01 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2009 12:02 PM

FLUTTERING?? & Check engine....

06 December 2007 - 01:29 AM

Hey all just got my car and recently had ecu prob, got solders fixed up and before pin 14 was rusty and bypassed which is fixed, also was causing fuel pump to be going from acc, so it was so called fixed, but got it back and auto electric said he thinks I need to replace my knock sensor as since it went in it's check engine is now on, is this just coinsidence? also since it came back when it's really cold and I take off and touch boost I can hear a little flutter instead of norm boost noise until I get to about third, then it goes away and back to norm for the rest of trip?? what have they done? I do know before I got it, It ran a little rough and does same now, prob gets rougher the harder you drive?

Any help would be appreciated, tis going to get a diagnostic tomorro, have no idea what it is.

Guy who did ecu said chip isn norm and got done at the start of the year at meek, says ecu fixed (chip included)? but at place where it has always been fixed he says it's stock chip? I don't know who to listen too..


01 November 2007 - 04:47 AM

hey looking for vr4 good con, if know of anyone don't hesitate to contact me to c if it's what im after. around 8500 mark will go slightly slightly up or down cheers