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Member Since 14 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 10 2010 02:24 PM

FS: Lancer GSR Parts. Turbo. Fuel Pump. FMIC.

07 December 2008 - 07:25 AM

please delete thread.

cheers :)

WTD: CC Lancer Sedan roofskin

03 October 2008 - 03:19 PM

Hi all,

I need a roofskin for CC GSR as i have the wonderful factory spec rust.

Does anyone have one, or a shell with a good roof that they would be willing to part with?

Failing that, has anyone been through the process of obtaining a new one, and replacing it etc etc? What did it cost you?

I'd prefer something from brisbane but if the price is right etc, i could always ship one up..

Any info is greatly appreciated.



[email protected]

Wanted: 4G93T Crank Angle Sensor - URGENT!

08 June 2008 - 08:09 AM

Hi all!

Am in desperate need of a 4G93T Crank angle sensor for 1.8L CC GSR Lancer.

If anyone has one spare that they are willing to part with can they please let me know?

Or if they know of one for sale somewhere that would be great also.

Willing to pay postage costs to either brisbane or canberra aswell.

Let me know!



[email protected]