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Member Since 19 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2021 04:22 AM

#324996 FS: EVO 1 parts "Converted to racecar" sale

Posted by yeeehah on 29 November 2015 - 01:35 AM

Just starting the process of cleaning out the garage, I had the intention of keeping the bits i have striped out of my evo 1, but have decided to let them go.

I have all interior bits, including seats which are immaculate and full air con unit. Pm me for pics or bits you need if you are interested, here's a list of things to get it started:

I'm located in Canberra and mob is 0431 065 777.


- ECU with Meek chip $350


- Fuel Tank $100


- Control arms $200 (for the pair)



- Walbro 255 lt/ph fuel pump $100


- radiator $100



- Air con unit


> heat exhangers $30 each

> condenser $80

> fan $30

> also have climate control unit $120

(or PM if you want to do a package deal!)


- Injectors e1 510cc $50

#282038 Dont know what to do!!

Posted by yeeehah on 10 August 2013 - 12:28 AM

once ya get that pass, where to for the car then? circuit or sprints? if not, are ya just gunna go every month to the drags an run an 11?

my votes for street, im not gunna pretend im mr perfect driver and dont speed, or have fun in my car, cos i do! i just make sure its abit more calculated or thought out than the general p plater, chance of pedestrians/ other cars, animals, cops an traffic,

as for getting defected, if ya get pulled for driving like a dik then hey, hope ya had fun, otherwise why would they want too?? its a m21 with wheels, you'll be all good bro

You don't need to be driving like a d!ck to get defected, i'm sure VIC also has random vehicle inspections..?
Here in ACT its rampid, stay indoors I say or drive a stock Hyundai i30 around...!

Your car could be parked at maccas, then as you head out after having your big mac some f@g RTA f^&kwit leaves a notice on your car telling you your windows are too dark, or too low, tyre load rating is wrong etc...!

My daily is a bagged magna wagon, and fark i cop the sh!t everywhere i go and i don't even drive around like a low rider or like a peanut. Its engineered and I ride on standard height, but park low and that's when the sh!t happens!!!

been done twice in last 4 weeks, anymore and i'm taking the sh!t to ombudsman.
apologies for the rant..

<the end>
  • ted likes this

#281591 Newbie from SA

Posted by yeeehah on 03 August 2013 - 11:44 PM

that galant GC is JDM porn, needs flares, stretch and dish! :thumbsup:

#281499 Hi to all

Posted by yeeehah on 02 August 2013 - 04:06 AM

welcome mate, thats the best thing about bits-r-missings you can take bits from anywhere and make em run! :thumbsup: