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Member Since 12 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2022 11:53 AM

WTB: 7 bolt AC Pump Bracket

11 December 2016 - 11:48 PM

Hi lads,


I'm in search of an AC compressor mounting bracket for the CE9A. 

My AC was removed and the mounting bracket was chopped. The part number is cast into the bracket as MB958518.

The bolt spacing between the two bottom mounting holes on the pump is 90mm centre to centre.

If anyone has one spare that they'd like to sell, PM me please. Cheers


Motec M4 ECU

16 August 2016 - 05:30 AM

Motec M4 reprogrammable ECU and loom for GSR lancer.
Currently running speed density in my GSR with built evo motor, cams and 20G turbo.
Can be seen operational. Will remove from car upon deposit.


Price: $1000 + postage
Location: Brisbane

Evo/GSR/VR4 Parts

07 August 2016 - 09:19 AM

PS1000 Plug and Play loom for Evo 123. $300 or swap for PS1000 universal fly lead kit.


GSR Koni / Ohlins coilover shocks + camber mounts suit rebuild SOLD


GSR struts with tein (?) springs $100


VR4 Cyclone Manifold $100


VR4 filler panel $40


White pair GSR front fenders good condition $60


4x114 Rays engineering 2 piece wheels brand new tyres. x5 rims $650


4x114 Pair of bronze wheels worn tyres SOLD


Low King Springs for VR4 rear $60


Stock replacement head gasket $20ea


HKS/Blitz Turbo Timer $40ea