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Member Since 18 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Nov 11 2014 12:01 AM

Genuine Evo III Coil Packs

20 December 2011 - 11:54 PM

Hi All,

As title states im selling a set of genuine evo III coil packs on behalf of ONPSI (mitch).

Price $150 ONO

contact me via email [email protected] or mobile 0422039678.



random evo 3 and 4G63 parts

30 March 2011 - 01:50 AM

hey guys,

i still have remains of my evo 3 laying around in my garage haha

so here are some remaining parts

Genuine Stock 4G63 spark plug cover $30
Genuine Stock 4G63 cam cover $30
Evo 3 Dash DIN tray $10
Evo 3 Dash draw (pull out tray on the right side of the dash, on driver side) $10 Sold.
Stock evo 3 cams and cam gears $50

all i can think of at the moment :P

email me on [email protected] or send me a text on my mobile 0422039678