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Member Since 27 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 31 2011 04:57 AM

In Topic: work done at tech-sport bayswater

22 October 2011 - 11:21 PM

[post='click me']work done by tech-sport[/post]

Has anyone had issues with tech-sport in bayswater???.

they crashed valves into my pistons - ( had to rebuild whole engine ) they have had my car there for over 1 year , they always say my car is booked in this week ... but then i ring the following week and nothing has been done..
I have spent over $25,000 dollars there and they do not give a dam.. they are not very good or professional at all.. they only care about getting money of you.. I gave them $15,000 dollars a year ago in cash and still I have no car..

I had a similar experience @ Russell Performance. I sued the wanker, and won.

My advice is never pay for anything in advance, as that seems to only promote the workshop not to do any work.

In the situation your in now, get the mechanic to agree on a delivery date for the car (via email) and if they miss lodge a claim with small claims court like i did.

But always use email so you have a record of what has happened. I printed off a bunch of emails for court, and I barely had to explain anything and was awarded everything i asked for.

Although, the dog, Adam Russell (Russell Performance) has ran from the debt.

Im sure IF tech sport have done the wrong thing, and you take them to court, since they have a business it will be very easy to get any money the court awards you from them, In my Case, Russell Performance closed down.

In Topic: Calder Drags

04 October 2011 - 11:08 AM

with 700nm of torque... yes!

In Topic: Calder Drags

04 October 2011 - 02:17 AM

Just baby it off the line Josh.

true, but then i say bye bye to a quick time.. MPH should still be ballpark from what im told.

In Topic: Calder Drags

04 October 2011 - 01:10 AM

im so tempted, but if i break my drive line id crack the sads.... hmm

*asks myself how importaint running a quick/fast time/mph is*

In Topic: 2005 Evo VIII / 2.3 Stroker 339kw atw / AP Racing Brakes / BC Coilovers

02 October 2011 - 03:56 AM

^^ Just checked Car Sales ad and its still there... no sure what the issue was

Car has just had its 108k service at AVO, checked on their new Dyno Dynamics dyno, good as ever... just on 700nm a bit after 4k rpm and holds 500nm+ to redline.

Will consider swap for a stock or close to stock Evo 8/9 plus >$10k my way.