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Member Since 27 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 31 2011 04:57 AM

#131489 Varex Mufflers

Posted by fq4oo on 11 January 2009 - 07:27 AM

So, are you saying that they are not "street-legal"...? From what I read about them, they are legal...but the issue is, the exhaust noise can be easily adjusted, technically making them illegal...:confused:

The varex are considered a "temporary defeat device", which are specifically mentioned in the law and are illegal.

Its a stupid law because enthusiasts use these mufflers to have a quiet exhaust on the street and open them up for track use, (like me).

Oh well... with the butterfly shut the cops shouldn't have any reason to pull u over as they wont have heard a deep exhaust note and be tempted to check it out.