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Member Since 03 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2009 03:06 AM

Hi team

23 November 2008 - 03:37 AM

Hi everyone at team 4g.
After spending a lot of time and money with my 91 A-spec VR4 and the help off the biys from Advanced Jap auto imports, I have decided to join you guys and keep enjoying my VR4.
Album is posted so feel free to look at my car and the things it has gone through.

My VR4

03 January 2008 - 06:44 AM

Hi there,
Just joined this club because most people thats saw my VR4 kept asking if I was part of a club or not.
Bought my VR4 6 months ago and spent some money to get it on the road and some for the engine. This is what my car looks like.

1991 Aus Spec VR4 4WD 4WS 4G63 Engine

The car is completely stock and I need some advice and help on some tuning and upgrading. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Edit for pic size - Brisvr4