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Member Since 19 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 04 2015 07:23 PM

Hood-liner HELP & advice please.

30 June 2013 - 02:07 PM

I have to remove the hood-liners from two Lancer EXs. Three people (2 "pros" & myself) have tried unsuccessfully so far.
I can't even see the damn things... far less get access to them with tools.
We tried 'lifting' the liner (Eastwood plastic upholstry tools) after removing plastic 'trim'... still NOT visible!

How do you remove the hood-liner without breaking the odd 'J/L-shaped' hidden plastic clips?

Does anyone have a Service Manual for any 80's Lancer 1400 EX... Lancer 1800 GSR... or Lancer Turbo 2000 model?
If so, can you please post a pic of the "hood-liner removal page"?

At least that will tell me exactly where the clips are located... and how they are fastened. Thanks.