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Member Since 11 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 28 2009 02:37 AM

In Topic: Engine series

25 July 2009 - 04:50 AM

not sure what the engine cam out of, i bought the car was a gsr with 4g93t but the conversion was already done yes it is DOHC,

im having some issue with it and the ecu might be the problem. but i need to know what the engine came out of and then if the ecu is the match for the engine.. the ecu is 2467 but is it a match to the engine 4G63RT8294 that is in the car.

what is happening is when i hit boost (stock) the engine power cuts out
if i disconect the TPS the the it does not cut out when hitting boost but the drive is very rough.
I've changed plugs, leads, even, TPS. i have notised that there is no intake air temp anywhere to be found..

ive noticed even the harness has quite a few plugs just freely hangin with knowhere to be plugged into..

with the tps disconected i should get an error up on the dash?? but nothing this is why im thinking that it could be an ecu problem.. any help whould be appressiated