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Member Since 13 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active May 09 2011 03:01 AM

will these wheels fit ?

02 May 2011 - 02:45 AM

hey guys .

i have the opportunity to pick up these wheels on the cheap . . . just not sure they will fit .

running king spring super lows ( goin to raise because i feel the super's are too low )
have rolled grards on all corners .

it they will fit then my price is too good to pass up

thanks for your help in advance , i did a quick search but didnt find anything i felt was specific enough

studs and specs for High Boost GSR in the build

30 April 2011 - 07:32 AM

hey guys - First up i know the 63t conversion is the common path and i have taken that road before personally , but were both stickin with the 93T this time round , thanks guys ;)

helping a mate by screwing together his 93t .

Jarred - GSRWRC im shooting this one out with big flags to you ! , LOL :P , and of course everyone else .

OK , Now . . . I have an engine to screw together . have built a few but to either standard or standard + forged specs , not high rpm ect like this one . :mellow:

firstly i have torque settings for standard torque to yield head studs and standard main but when building for high boost / rpm i like to run arp . . . so i need the head , main and rod bolt torque settings running ARP .

also i see that people are running toyota head studs , why not run the '93t head studs from arp ? . i noted that RPW lists head and main studs for them and thats were i ordered his from ? . . . whats the difference anyone know ?

i also noticed that another member is building a '93t and used evo 1 2 3 ARP's on the bottom end . . . are they a straight fit the same as bottom end bolts or are they like the evo head studs and require drill and tapping ?

sooo . . . torque settings and also advice on Arp goodies please ! . i am hoping the arp ones from RPW are the correct ones :unsure:

also what is involved in eliminating the oil squirters to increase pressure to the bottom end bearings ? . id like to do this as forged pistons will be happy enough on there own ? :wacko:

will be running a meek modified ecu , large injectors and a gtpumps TD05 - 18 G . . . he has not purchased turbo yet but we both want to run mitsu and i want to go through Mark at GT pumps due to lots of past history . shooting for at least 200 min Kw at wheels and trying to have the least lag as possable . should we run 16 g large or what ? .

I Appreciate your guys input and opinions , as always , so all help wanted as i will be using all this info with some additional trick stuff on my build when i go ahead soon :thumbsup: