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Member Since 21 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2008 09:08 AM

In Topic: Proposed drag day. NOTE: date change!

07 April 2008 - 11:01 AM

Count me in also for the drag day.

In Topic: WTB : oil return pipe "turbo"

10 March 2008 - 12:39 AM

sweet. thanx gents.

In Topic: Regarding EVO - OOX

02 March 2008 - 12:33 AM

HAPPY B'DAY ROB! (for yesterday anyway) and them speacial b'day presents are the best, none of us ever get sick of getting that same gift lol.

Try fool the missus into believing its a public hol monday, extend the weekend, and the life of your gift. Worth a go i reckon :wink:
Enjoy the weekend, it sure beats the piss outta getting socks and undies.

In Topic: VR4 v's EVO 1 - 3 Top engine mount

01 March 2008 - 01:54 AM

My bad, point taken, evo mount it is. I have replaced idler bearing mount, and shaft, thanks to f1355spider helping me out with the correct items. Have used a 8mm spacer as suggested. My cv now doesnt come away from the shaft in 5mins driving. so in a nut shell, now out with the L shaped engine mount top (timing belt side),and fitting the evo mount should prevent anymore snapped idler mount bolts again in the future.

Once again, thanks for the good advise, things are much easier to get sorted out using it

In Topic: my 4g63 cc GSR

28 February 2008 - 01:06 PM

thanks for the links. I think i'll be on the ph in the morn. It appears my car has some of the right bits,....... just not all of em yet. Im happy to keep working on that though. Will be good to have the 4g63 in the bay and sitting correctly. Im suprised at how well the thing felt to drive set up this way, was quite smooth, no vibration and didnt pull right or left at all. Bit shakey under heavy brakes, but i have had the alignment problems as you have mentioned. Up until i got on this forum i have struggled to get good advise, and rarely got accurate info regarding the conversion. you guys have answered more of my issues in a week then i have had answered in three months!