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Member Since 02 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2008 06:23 PM

failed alternator?

05 August 2008 - 06:54 PM

hey guys,
i tried to make it home from my vacation (1300 kms) on a leaky turbo. I got 9 hrs into my journey, and pulled over for a rest. I restarted the car after 3 hrs of resting, and my volt meter was registering 16 volts, and the battery light came on. I flicked my fog lights on, and the voltage came back to 12, when i flicked them off again, the voltage spiked to 16 volts again, than after a minute or so, the needle held at 12 volts, while the car was running. I grabbed my mutimeter, and checked the voltage across the battery terminals, 12.5 volts and slowly dropping. I cross checked the red terminal on the alternator and it read the same as the battery. Do you guys think the alternator has failed, or is it something else. I need to get this fixed, but my car is now 300 km's away from me. I'm hoping you guys might know what it is, so i can get the part, and go to the car an fix it to get it home, THAN SELL IT! :(:mad:

also, where is the voltage regulator?

Blue smoke while starting

01 August 2008 - 09:55 PM

Hey guys, i did a search and i found some info regarding blue smoke issues. I realize that i could have a bad stem seal, or turbo seal, but it does'nt happen all the time, and mine is light gray and i thought i seen a blue ting to it when it dispersed:(

This is the second time this has happened that i am aware of;

1) About a month ago, leaving work at about 26 degrees, day after i unhooked my battery, it started to puff light gray smoke, almost looked like normal colour but still light blue, ittermintently. It went away after 3 mins idling(traffic in our parking lot) and 2 mins of driving.

2)Today, just put in iridiums the other day, went for a coffee about 10 mins of driving, parked for 15 mins, than i started my car and light gray/blue smoke again. It's raining out and 18 degrees, we thought it was just condensation until i noticed it left a trail of smoke and i know condensation does'nt do that, i stopped and checked it and it smelled like something burnt and it was light gray/blue color again, than mysteriously went away :confused:.

I'm making a guess that it may be a bad Oxygen sensor?

and no the check engine light has never come on, and yes it works.

what kinda fluid to use with a front clutch type LSD?

21 July 2008 - 03:16 AM

anyone know what oil to put in your tranny with a clutch type LSD and if you use LSD additive, how much?
I'm using Redline Heavy Shock Proof gear oil with 80 ml of Limited slip differential additive.

how to replace a front driveshaft

19 July 2008 - 12:45 AM

hey guys, i know i've asked this question and recieved a reply on how to, but i am in the process of getting a used driver's side drive shaft from a parts car and i'm doing the install myself. i think it would also help becuase the name of the thread would make it easier for another member to find this info.

I'm asking if soemone can provide me with a step by step (or pretty close to that) walkthrough of how to go about this, and whether i need to get new rings and such. I don't wanna be caught in the middle of the install and need a part.

Thankx guys, all the info you can give is much appreciated

Q's about rear bushes

06 July 2008 - 11:07 PM

hey guys, i noticed that my 2 of my rear bushing are toast, they are the one that hold up the differential carrier in the rear (that cross brace) i have no idea what is it called, i checked the manuals but it does'nt show em, does anyone know the part number and name?