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Member Since 07 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 08 2021 03:09 AM

In Topic: EOI: 2007 Black RColt

07 February 2012 - 12:07 AM

Hah oh dear thanks for that

In Topic: EOI: 2007 Black RColt

05 February 2012 - 07:40 PM

Thanks for your support guys really appreciate it..

In Topic: Delete

24 January 2012 - 06:15 AM


I have decided to put my vr4 up for grabs, I've lost interest and only took 6 months... I'll put it up for a month or so and if it's not sold I'll delete the ad !
I searched and searched for the cleanest car in vic I could find at the time and have done small mods to suit me ! I don't see the point in dumping alot more cash into it for bigger turbos ect

Forged motor
272 cams
T3/4 turbo
3 inch exhaust into 2.5 to shut it up abit
Big cooler ect
Wolf ecu
Hd clutch
Evo ally radiator and spal fan
Tarmac evos
Mint body work
Interior is perfect not missing bits ect
Eterna grill restored still have to pick up from my painter
Evo 0 bonnet and bumper
made 225kw atw great power for the street as I rarely get to use it anyway
Lots more.
If you want to know more pm me !

I will only sell it for 11k no offers ect if it doesn't sell, it will continue to sit in storage.

Is this still for sale? Have sent you a PM.


In Topic: FS: 1974 LA lancer, $2000

11 October 2011 - 08:45 AM

Whats it like for rust in the bottom of the rear quarters, bottom of the doors, bottom of the front guards and around the front and rear windscreens?
I miss my old little '77 LB sedan and I remember rust was the killer, but mechanically these little cars and engines could live through a nuclear explosion lol

Car is sold sorry man :)

In Topic: FS: 1974 LA lancer, $2000

11 October 2011 - 06:12 AM

Hey man your on MMC arnt you??? I have the same login name there.. And you bought that mint as black VR4 too did you not? Yea another Kiwi in aus haha.. Have a ralliart colt too, Sold the LA lancer now :)