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Member Since 08 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active May 17 2013 07:46 AM

In Topic: Heathcote Park

10 September 2012 - 10:17 PM

its all well and good having the power. but with nothing too hold the power down too the ground your not going too pull good numbers. and depending on the driver and weather and lane wear bla bla bla.

In Topic: CD/CE9A 'Specific' Complete workshop manual *Download*

13 August 2012 - 12:15 PM

can anyone send me the manual either please

In Topic: evo 1-3 7 bolt 100mm crank

26 March 2012 - 11:17 AM

Say "Hi" to Lurch for me when you see him next - he's a good bloke.

If you want a forged 7-bolt crank there's tonnes on ebay.

yeah i see him again tomorrow, i will say hi from you buddy.
i really don't want too deal from usa bad experience that's why i'm trying too find locally its the last peace of the jigsaw along with needing some other stuff for the head like different cams, and springs, and valves, But if i can get the crank it can be dropped off to the shop too be machined then i can save up for stuff for head :(.
yours trully rsd

In Topic: evo 1-3 7 bolt 100mm crank

26 March 2012 - 09:05 AM

I know somebody who MAY have 2x 7-bolt EVO cranks from when he built the blocks up to 2.3 strokers using 4G64 cranks. I'll be seeing him tomorrow so will find out for you.

Otherwise I believe Advanced Jap had a 7-bolt stroker crank for sale.

cheers buddy i would appretiate that oh and lurch aka james has been working with me his been a bit of a winger like me last couple weeks.
but thank you very much really needs too be forged

In Topic: evo 1-3 7 bolt 100mm crank

26 March 2012 - 02:56 AM

They reckon to source these from a Mitsubishi express 2.4.
I pretty sure these are SOHC when you are looking.
If you stumble upon a 6 bolt 2.4 crank, let me know.

cheers buddy was really after forged. i will look around for a 6 bolt crank for you