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Member Since 03 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Jul 08 2012 06:21 AM

#250985 Rep Points

Posted by jase on 20 February 2012 - 05:50 AM

Cannot believe you dropped the c-bomb on 4GTuner! This isn't Google Image Search buddy!

#230095 Show us your pic's thread.

Posted by jase on 26 April 2011 - 03:25 AM

The best I can do with my camera...

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#225343 4GT Stickers

Posted by jase on 27 February 2011 - 08:12 PM

Not yet sorry mate. All the prices I'm receiving are waaaay expensive. I want quality but we need to be reasonable too...

#214309 The Youtube thread

Posted by jase on 16 October 2010 - 01:12 AM

sleazy old prick :lol:

#207841 WTF is with the admin team

Posted by jase on 09 August 2010 - 03:59 PM

It wouldn't be a change without some controversy. :)

Thing is, we had to make the decision to close the Private section on our own. We did not move your threads without your approval, so if you don't want it visible to the public, just reply to Dean with a "No thanks, I don't want it moved to the public areas". Is that such a hard task? Oh right, of course we need some publicly visible backlash.

The fact of the matter is, when you put a photo or any other information on the internet, it's there for all to see. Just because it is in a Private Section, what does that mean exactly? When a "Private Member" from interstate who you have never met before (who realistically, in real life you wouldn't trust because you don't know them from a bar of soap) logs in and see's a cool car but can't show his friends the thread, you don't think they save the photos and send them to other friends? Upload them to other forums? ..etc?

Not to mention, the supposed vetting system we had for the Private Section was largely flawed too. "I met this guy on a cruise once, he's a good guy, add him to the Private list". We've had Private members scamming our users in the Marketplace before you know. Just because they were nice to your face doesn't mean everyone is a trustworthy character.

In addition to this, as time goes on, not everyone stays here. The admin team changes, the long time members change, the short time members change. Do we keep changing this phantom group to suit the times? No, because then the Private "elders" will hate on us for adding the newbies.

So WTF is with us? Managing a usergroup like this is just another task for the admin/mod team to do, and in all honesty we are trying to minimise the workload that we have. We all have jobs and lives outside of this forum. It's not as quick as writing a post and hitting "Post" for us. We do that and then have to reply to PMs from users that have been scammed, plan upgrades, fix problems, moderate posts, etc.

Anyway I hope that provides some insight into why the decision was made.

#205383 Show us your pic's thread.

Posted by jase on 17 July 2010 - 12:06 AM

A few quick snaps from the past month or so..

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#180115 4G Nats discussion

Posted by jase on 05 January 2010 - 06:24 AM

How about you just call it Early Evo Nationals or 4G Nats.
If it was in Vic, I would drive over for that!

Both of those names are full of win

#174454 The Life of an American Soldier

Posted by jase on 25 November 2009 - 12:14 AM

Dre's thread reminded me of this:


There's some pretty amazing photos in there.

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#7857 Draft regs for modified cars ( MUST HAVE A LOOK)

Posted by jase on 20 December 2005 - 10:38 AM

hmm tell me again why im moving to Melbourne :shock:

less abradigitals?