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Member Since 11 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Private

In Topic: cc gsr parts for sale

20 January 2016 - 03:55 AM

Pic of cooler? Does it fit behind the factory bumper without cutting?


whats your number? i can send you pics

also, ive been lead to believe its the old school AVO turbo intercooler so they are quite big but should fit behind the stock GSR front bar. it was off the car when we got it

In Topic: cc gsr parts for sale

18 January 2016 - 02:21 AM

How much for just the Park brake cables only?


will be sold with the rear hubs and shafts. i think the lower control arms are on it too

In Topic: WTB: 6-Bolt 4G63 T/B Tensioner, VR4 Twin Pots

19 October 2015 - 04:20 AM

i got some magna rotors, new

just standard rda425 pair. 5 hole, good for twin pot upgrade or spares

i have some used twin pot ferodo pads that i can throw in and also some rear jap brand pads that i'll throw in too.

$50, freight extra

im in south east melb

In Topic: cleaning garage, few parts for sale, bits and pieces

15 October 2015 - 02:36 AM

I dont know that that intake pipe will suit a 63t in cc lancer. It looks like its wrong angle, not tight enough.


not sure but its from a box of stuff in my garage with all "evo bits" marked on the box. maybe its just changed shape over time lol

In Topic: cleaning garage, few parts for sale, bits and pieces

14 October 2015 - 11:01 AM

Does the head unit have blue tooth? Or too old?

i dont think it has bluetooth Ian. but if you are interested, i have a new dash cam with memory card i can throw in. its a cheapie but good for track days or high speed runs....on the track...or general use