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Member Since 11 Jul 2005
Offline Last Active Private

#313215 Just like JayRome but the CC version

Posted by RicKii`` on 02 February 2015 - 02:06 PM

is that white paint or all the jizz from people looking at it...

looks absolutely great! 

#312291 free: vr4 jspec floor mats

Posted by RicKii`` on 14 January 2015 - 12:46 AM

hey guys, i got some floor mats from a jspec vr4. missing drivers side but has that centre hump rubber mat which has galant on it.


Free to anyone that wants to pick it up or you can pay for postage and i'll send it out

south east melb


#310084 cheap shipping from usa!

Posted by RicKii`` on 23 November 2014 - 11:17 PM

I saw on the news Aussie post will soon(or now) have an address in Oregon aswell for forward shipping.

Was along the lines of $25 to handle shipping and $6 for every 500g. Could be worth a look aswell

#309689 Recaro seats with rails $450

Posted by RicKii`` on 10 November 2014 - 11:18 PM

out of a proton satria GTi. looks similar to the JDM GSR and evo 1 seats, but different fabric and inserts.

Has a tear/hole on the drivers bolster, overall in good nick

Has rails to bolt straight into a CC-CE lancer, evo 1-6, proton wira-satria.


Will give the rear seats in the package so you can use the fabric to mend the drivers one if you so desire.



Pick up south east melbourne, can freight at buyers expense.

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#308590 Greddy profec boost controller

Posted by RicKii`` on 12 October 2014 - 10:44 AM

Not sure Alfie, but its had rave reviews and it looks great too.


also its just found a new home. SOLD.

#294598 For sale 4G63 parts

Posted by RicKii`` on 12 February 2014 - 11:47 AM

pm re dvd player cheers

#292021 sold

Posted by RicKii`` on 09 January 2014 - 02:02 PM


  • ted likes this

#291335 Im After EVO an GSR parts.. Updated 28/5/15

Posted by RicKii`` on 31 December 2013 - 12:45 AM

chase the light ring from a proton, plenty there

#288182 battery light on dash

Posted by RicKii`` on 07 November 2013 - 10:55 AM

the battery light comes on cos its telling you it cant get the power to your side indicators cos the cars too wide  :thumbsup:

#287420 NSW Mobile Speed Cameras

Posted by RicKii`` on 25 October 2013 - 10:29 AM

yea those signs are great as it actually looks like its for road safety. Vic is just bullshit rules, had an encounter of a mobile camera parked behind a pretty big post at 4am. I mean you can still see it but atleast having a sign of somesort would mask the reasons to why the car is there aka revenue raising.

#285401 2 litre 4g93t

Posted by RicKii`` on 25 September 2013 - 04:07 AM

yea thats a 1.8 motor.

maybe the washer bottle has been stroked to 2.0?

#285362 GSR lancer recall?

Posted by RicKii`` on 24 September 2013 - 11:47 AM


not sure if this has been covered but I was shown this by a mate. Thoughts? I know the roof skin was recalled but didnt know about this one

#283361 just another GSR

Posted by RicKii`` on 28 August 2013 - 03:14 PM

a guy off the forum was selling the wing, alot of prep work is required, fill up the recessed section from the left and right mounting points of the top part of the spoiler and then delete the centre mounting point and then paint.
would be a waste to do it to a genuine spoiler. apart from that, very choice indeed :cool:
what ive seen is those rear bottom lips from Philipines and Malaysia. they give the rear a lower stance. looks absolutely great!

#282884 too many parts, all categorized. updated 26/10

Posted by RicKii`` on 22 August 2013 - 01:53 PM

all parts in melbourne, south east. freight can be done for most of the stuff, at extra cost.


***** i got a 4g93t GSR complete motor with brand new clutch on it, has new timing belt and bearings ready to install. looking around 1k for it. ready to pick up in melbourne!!


*CB GSR 1.6 ECU $50
*VR4 therostat housing $20
*VR4 radiator with fan, good nick $50
*VR4 intercooler elbow, connects between piping and intake manifold $20

evo transfer case, is whinny, will count the spline to see if its evo1,2 or evo 3 $100
*stock GSR exhaust with muffler missing the first under engine pipe, just from that point to muffler. good for EPA, or reverting to stock. $40
*GSR rear diff, nonlsd with both driveshafts $150
*2 pairs of front driveshafts, one is for a evo or gsr and the other is for a VR4, if anyone can confirm from the pic? $50 either pair - only have the pair on the right. left pair sold

*EVO timing tensioner, looks to be newish as the seized evo motor was rebuilt not long ago
@meek$230, $50

CC Lancer Coupe/M21
*CC lancer coupe front bar in champange/silver $40
*CC lancer coupe radiator support, brand new $80
*CC lancer coupe tail lights pair $40

Car Audio and other stuff
*Kenwood JDM parcel shelf speakers, those big dome style ones $40pair
*JDM Eclipse AVN2205D 7inch double din headunit. comes with wiring harness, got some jap
buttons on it, paid $100, letting it go for $50
*Brand new in car cameras with 4gb memory card, i have 3 of them, ebay spec $25 each
*Alpine KCE-433iv ipod cable, genuine and supports ipod video $20
*Brand new Spy 2way car alarm with 2x 2way remotes $80
*Genuine "Evolution V" rear door decal, pair $30
*Automatic boot release kit(to connect to your alarm) $30
*Legnum wagon rear top spoiler in white with pearl clear $40

i have more odds and ends all over the garage so update with more soon and please ask for pics if you need them but most of the stuff is self explanatory, cheers

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#278074 eBay Parts Sightings

Posted by RicKii`` on 05 June 2013 - 01:12 PM

Posted Image

only reason it snapped cos VTEC kicked in