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Member Since 14 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 12 2017 10:21 AM

#335029 88 mirage cyborg AWD sedan

Posted by killa on 30 December 2016 - 01:17 AM

Hey guys forsale is my cyborg

4g61T. Original engine done 203**** km
16g turbo
Evo manifold
510cc injectors
Haltech e6k
2 piston front brake upgrade(ventilated discs)
Genuine Evo 0 bonnet vents installed
17 inch wheels 90% tread
Lowered on king springs
Upgraded front mount and 21/2 inch piping and Magna throttle body upgrade

Body was bare metal resprayed 2 years ago in Lexus gunmetal grey including brand new roof skin and ribs installed, pin stripe recess filled (with plastic adhesive) on bars and side mouldings and door and boot locks shaved. Mouldings and tops of bars are colour coded and matt cleared.

Interior is stock and in good condition for a 28 yo car but showing its age in places.

It has only had two owners in Oz. I brought it from importer in Adelaide. Sold it after moving to qld and needing funds to go overseas for a year. Purchased back from Chris couple of years later.

It's a rare car and a very nice one at that

Price $9000 open to serious offers

Cheers carl

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#294903 AWD Galant GSR Conversion

Posted by killa on 16 February 2014 - 10:52 AM

I'd either put the floor pan out of the vr4 into the gsr. Or if the vr4 she'll is registerable id cut the rear quarters and roof off the gsr and put them onto the vr4 :)

I think the latter would be easier and less to engineer Possibly could almost not even have to engineer it? Quater panels and roofs get replaced all day everyday