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Yeah all good one of the brackets was actually fine but I started with the bracket that was a bit off for some reason and was giving me jip. All good now. Now just to get used to a very twitchy rear end now
I don't want to transfer too much vibration through the car, which is why I'm leaning towards the mounts with the gaps to them, as to my knowledge, that's what they're there for. I'm keeping away from straight urethane etc. and trying to stick to rubber, even if the rubber are solid they're a bit forgiving at least.
You should probably go the solid OEM Ralliart type mounts from Meek if you want a less harsh experience at idle with lumpy cams, but I like the feeling of sitting in a car that feels like its ready to rumble
With the Meek bushes, are the inserts for the engine mounts actually genuine? As the description is saying otherwise "Top Engine Mount Insert (Aftermarket) Hs60- EVO1-3" Do they still sell these OEM Ralliart mounts?