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Member Since 17 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2009 11:29 AM

Darwin members?

24 January 2009 - 02:31 AM

Hi all,

is there many members in darwin? I just moved here but haven't seen too many lancers/evos getting around. Saw a black GSR with team4g sticker the other night and thought I would ask!


Block differences

18 March 2008 - 12:35 AM

Hi all,

this is probably a question people with the experience eg clutz! Was going to rebuild my 4g93 as the owner before me "rebuilt" it and has after 20k spun bearings.

Have changed my mind now and going to go for the 63. Just wanting to know the differences between and evo 1-3 and vr4 blocks, is there any major differences? APC in bris says that the vr4 is a stronger bottom end but after doing research looks like the evo 1-3 is easier fitment in a GSR. I don't want to cut any corners with the project but as im doing it all myself would prefer an easier swap as the motor is not the only part of the project.

thanks in advance