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Member Since 22 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2008 12:23 PM

[ACT] Cruise Tomorrow?

25 April 2008 - 08:58 AM

Hey all =]
Short notice, I know, but just thought Id let you know there is a cruise tomorrow, Saturday, starting at the National Museum at 3:30-4. Not sure where we are cruising to, as that will be decided when everyone rocks up. Am hoping to get afew clubs out there (Originally started on Prelude Australia, to be posted on CanberraCruises, Mitsubishi Australia etc etc), so feel free to invite any other clubs your in, or your friends, or whatever =]

Thanks! =]


[ACT] Friday 28th March

25 March 2008 - 12:00 PM

Hey =] Not sure how many Canberra people are on here, but ah well..
Am meeting up with a bunch of people (Apparently people from StreetRides, maybe Prelude Australia and some from Mitsu Club Aust will be there.. ) in philip this Friday. 8 - 8:30 - ish at Martys foodvan on Parramatta street in Phillip, its near the Subaru dealership.. Apparently they have this cruise thing every Friday, same place and time.. Anyone willing to come with?

Hey all

22 March 2008 - 05:39 AM

New to the site, obviously.. Not sure how well my car will fit in, but it is a Galant if that helps... From 1974 =]
Im really just here for a bit of a look around, have been tossing up between afew cars for my next car, one possibility being a vr4 Galant, hence why Im here.

Anyway, here is my car =]

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