Galant VR4 rear diff and axles.
3 bolt. 3.545 ratio. Sell complete.
Two kits for sale.
I bought as spares as I expected to break them but I ran a 2500lb kevlar clutch not a puk and never needed them after LOTS of 18psi launches on the original set in the car.
So I havent launched on these ones as they haven't been on my car.
Seems if the car isnt overly lowered or a clutch that shock loads it they arent as weak as I thought.
$250 each complete set.
*stock vr4 cams $50
*Evo 2 dump pipe/ O2 housing. $70
*custom dump pipe / O2 housing to suit 070 or 060 housing outlet. Used off a car that made great torque. Just needs a flange welded on to mate to existing front pipe.
*Alternator. Used off an aus spec.
*dual board ecu off an 87 j-spec. $70.
Pm me and I can sms pics.
All parts can be posted within Australia for eg; 3kg bags are $14.80 express.
Diffs heavy likely cost around 150-180 in two separate packs via aus post or could look into a courier.
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