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Member Since 24 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2020 02:00 AM

#341675 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 29 July 2018 - 10:49 PM

Kerosene bath, swish it around in there rinsing through all of the baffles and breathers, then blast with the hose, then let it dry before dunking it back into the kero. Do that a few times until you feel confident it’s well and truly flushed.

Thanks [emoji106] but that's exactly what I did before the cover went back on.

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#341660 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 27 July 2018 - 10:44 PM

Picked the valve cover up from the powdercoaters yesterday. Came out a treat [emoji106] dummied it up to see how it'd look and gotta say in happy!

However didn't last long. Brought some hks 264s so in the process of dropping them in now. Also painting the intake1a569fc683136329b87e6d624ecca210.jpg17525b7b53c3f86e1d2578e27a892eb1.jpg

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

#341063 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 17 April 2018 - 01:08 AM

Got a chance to spend a few hours on it the other day. Loom is now all complete and in.

Forgot how small the are inside once chairs and wheel is on. Haven't been on in years.



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#340407 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 12 February 2018 - 03:47 PM

Grabbed one off a fella on a proton page.

Breaks up the red nicely



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#340208 Bits n pieces

Posted by Bryce on 26 January 2018 - 01:54 AM

Got a few bits n pieces im not going to use

T28 flanged dump into 3". Narrow band 02 attached - $50

T25/28 to 3" v band adapter. Brand new - $70

Fusion splits - $20

15x6 4x100 rims - $20

Gsr vcu - $100


Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

#340202 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 25 January 2018 - 04:42 AM

Fairly productive day today was had by all.

Got the bonnet pins fastened which was my main goal. Also went around and chopped the bonnet hinge stoppers to make it look like a honda more.

Over all im very happy with how the front end looks. Bonnet sits a bit higher than stock as ive spaced the rear up but hopefully that helps with heat extraction.

I've got another front emblem for the grill coming so hopefully that finishes it off

. 3907c64bba1f992324e92300791aca17.jpg


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#340122 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 18 January 2018 - 12:39 PM

Made some great progress on the Satria today. Cant attach video here as its too big but check my FB or ausproton. Rather happy with how it runs.


Few little electrical issues to sort out first which shouldnt be too much of a biggy.


Still have lots of things to do before it goes for a tune but just happy it starts =)

#339704 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 17 December 2017 - 03:18 PM

Oh wow. Haven't updated this in awhile.

Anyway abit has changed lately. Fucked the prehistoric lt8s microtech dinosaur off for not so prehistoric but still ancient lt10s microtech. Midway through wiring it up a good priced haltech and dash pop up so i beg and plead and sell my soul to the minister for it. Apparently i 'deserve' it. So we've finally pissed off all the caveman technology and finially rocking something modern [emoji869][emoji869]

Today i finished the "it'll do for now" loom. The plans are to slowly collect bits for a mil-spec loom and use this as a template.

I've still got to run some wire back to the fuel pump but that'll take 5 seconds.

Once ive done that i might plug the ecu in and load a base map into it to see if the ole girl still lives!

Bazeng has a new rocker cover for me too so that'll finish the engine bay off nicely.
Except for the hideous blue filter.... a new K&N might be in order.70c539661b7ea4fe9798f22a74c38f37.jpg

Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk

#336807 JNZ tuning

Posted by Bryce on 15 April 2017 - 07:36 PM

Still couldn't get ahold of them via phone or email so i resorted to sending them a FB message! They replied after a few days.

Turns out they sent me an email the day after my purchase to tell me shipping would be another $50us. I never received the email so i thought i was getting Jooped.

Oh well. Problem sorted. Refund on its way.

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

#335932 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 27 February 2017 - 01:47 AM

Holy moly! Something i made actually works! Fits in there nicely.

Now the plan is to get external gate tube lengthened 70mm and poke the screamer out where the oil filter is now. I have a forward facing oil filter housing coming so that should work out nicely and leave enough room for the hot side cooler piping

  • ted likes this

#335578 ignition module for gvr4

Posted by Bryce on 05 February 2017 - 07:19 AM

99.9% sure i have one as i swapped to COP. I'll check when i get home tonight

Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

#335506 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 01 February 2017 - 02:28 AM

Will be running aerocatch bonnet pins so not the standard latch.

I'll see if i can work a vertical support into the intercooler mounts just for piece of mind.

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#335113 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 06 January 2017 - 08:52 AM

Fuckin YAY!! Injectors back from cleaners and in. Forgot how mental it sounds

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#334541 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 25 November 2016 - 07:28 AM

Small update.

Tried to get it to idle... but turns out I'm not getting any spark. Not exactly sure why. I've changed the setup a fair bit since last running. I've gone from standard coilpacks and ignitor to a COP setup wired directly from the ECU. The coils im using are Toyota 4 wire jobbies with inbuilt ignitors so that shouldn't be a problem.
I'll plug the laptop in and see what it's doing when i get home. The ECU is 15 years old so its probably cactus anyway.

Also note to self: Don't forget to block oil pressure guage port when you remove the guage sender.

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#333373 My attempt at a sleeper.

Posted by Bryce on 05 October 2016 - 12:24 PM

Fairly productive day today! Moving houses to not alot of time or money has been spare to throw around so progress has been slow.


Finially got around to pulling the NA manifold i bought of Baz out of its petrol/degreaser/truckwash bath and giving it a gernie. Came up a treat! FIAV/ISC block plate has been ordered and a plate to cover the EGR? hole.


COP has been wired up after i finially got around to making up a round holed plate for it.


Few more things to go before i can see if it actually cranks anymore!


