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Member Since 28 Mar 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2011 10:21 PM

Help with 4g93

29 April 2011 - 09:00 AM

hey guys ive just been told but garret that my turbo is stuffed al its goin to cost over $1000 to fix its a tdo4l turbo.So i wanted to know wat turbo i can get with out doin to much modifing id like to get sumthin bit bigger i was told to look on ebay but there isnt much for a 4g93 motor an i dnt know wat im lookin at an also wanted to know wat clutch i should be gettin as mines slippin an i think its a h/duty one

gsr cooler piping

28 September 2010 - 02:25 AM

hey guys umm just a question is there any specific way to run the cooler piping an where the filter should be plus vac hoses sum pic's would help?

also wat small upgrades could i do to get more power from standard or is there an order of things i should be doin, is there a bigger turbo that will fit on without doin custom work?

WTB J pipe

27 September 2010 - 02:29 AM

hey guys im lookin for a j pipe for a 95 gsr also called turbo outlet pipe

any1 know where to get this part

26 September 2010 - 11:12 PM

hi guys this is for a 95 gsr the pipe comes off the top of the turbo has two bolts on one side an the other fits into the cooler piping also has a small vacuum pipe branching off the center of it any1 know where i can get it. by the way its like a L shape pipe.

evo 3 stuff

19 August 2010 - 09:48 AM

hey guys just a question how much wider are the evo 3 gaurds to the normal cc ones?

also i want to make the rear look wider aswell any1 got any ideas i dnt want fiberglass stuff lol i seen sum1 on here doin wide body to a galant but is there anythin easier an im thinkin of puttin a sunroof in has any1 done this, are there any issues.

ummm spring wise do i use coilovers i dnt want a bumpy ride as im planing on racing

recaro seats wat r they worth?