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7 gen

7 gen

Member Since 17 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 22 2010 04:53 AM


24 August 2010 - 08:35 AM

bonnet plz

In Topic: a question about customer service

05 April 2010 - 04:42 AM

if you physically placed an order , and left a deposit, at that special price , then they have to honour it by law , you have by law bought it , now if you never did leave a deposit and its basically a gentlemens agreement,they have the upper hand ,if you have the name of the guy in whom you spoke to orginally , just give a friendly call , and say that you have been invoiced wrong and tell him that the price advertised was xxx not the price they invoiced you for , if you have not recieved your item and you have paid no monies , and they are awaiting payment before shipment , just cancel it , there is no legal binding contract to what they can charge and who wishes to pay the bill

In Topic: Bloody paint sniffers! Rant!

12 February 2010 - 09:38 AM

i say turn a few cans upside down , blow the gas out and sell them those , you make money, they dont get high , they realise you sell them bad stock and they move on , I ve lived in perth for a bit near midlands and I truely understand the frustration you go through , for those of you who dont know they have their own police so they dont have to go through the white system for mistermeaner offenses- it just aint fair

In Topic: JAP63's latest (no Mitsi)

02 February 2010 - 12:01 PM

Dont mean to rain on your sunshine but seriously get used to having wierd electrical problems .

In Topic: FOUND: VR4 thermostat to turbo waterline

28 January 2010 - 09:34 AM

have you looked in the boot in the box inside another box ??????????????????? lol.... well what do we have here !!! never seen you stress so much lol