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Member Since 01 May 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 19 2012 12:02 AM

In Topic: WTB:Rear Diff Bolts, Drivers Window Control, Glove Box

18 July 2012 - 11:42 PM

Its 34993B? I havent got one but it does state its size as M12 x 70mm and Mitsubishi part number as MB844918.
You could try Mitsu direct with the part number.

I have gone to a local Mitsubishi dealership and tried to order by part number, they are real pricks won't order parts for RHD "imports" here in Canada. I'll check with Mitsu Direct.

I have tried a M12x70mm from a local specialty bolt supply shop but didn't seem to thread in properly. I'll pick another one up from a different shop and give that a try though.

^ Im.guessing he means the window switch console for the drivers door trim??

Yes, this ^^

drivers window switch on mine is broken.

In Topic: WTB:Rear Diff Bolts, Drivers Window Control, Glove Box

17 July 2012 - 02:38 AM

For an Evo?

I have a glove box...
