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Member Since 04 May 2008
Offline Last Active Nov 03 2010 05:54 AM

In Topic: Replacement intercoolers

16 October 2010 - 10:43 PM

hyper, would you mind sending me a couple of pics so I can view the condition of your standard cooler?

Much appreciated :)

Pictures attached.

In Topic: Replacement intercoolers

13 October 2010 - 01:31 AM

Hey hyperrvr, might take you up on that.

I got quotes for my car - I have hail damage as well as the front ender.

Hail: ~ $9000
Front end: ~ $2-3000 (depends on when they take it apart to see what random rvr types bits need replacing)

On that note, our window moulds, the ones that run around the windows on each side - can we get them new from mitsu, does anyone know?
Mine have a few hail dents in them.

Thanks Lozzle

Shoot me a PM when your ready.

In Topic: Replacement intercoolers

13 October 2010 - 01:29 AM

Spewing about that logo :( Looks good though and how much was the PWR one?

PWR cooler was around the $1000 mark. Don't have an exact price as it was done with other work.

In Topic: Replacement intercoolers

10 October 2010 - 02:08 AM

Yeah its not the first time i've heard them spraying the logo on upside down. Sprayed over with silver now!

In Topic: Replacement intercoolers

09 October 2010 - 10:48 PM

Thx hyperrvr - how much would you want for it?

Also, can you tell me about your PWR one? Did you have get custom piping or anything for the PWR unit? Or was it a straight drop in jobby?

How about $200 including freight ?

The PWR unit was made to fit the standard mounts but I had to get new piping made up. I had to send my intercooler to PWR for them to make the new one. Its not much bigger than the factory unit mostly thicker.

I have attached some pictures of the PWR unit.