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Member Since 11 May 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 28 2018 10:15 AM

GSR lot buy of parts

10 October 2015 - 01:51 AM


Complete 4g93t eng pulled down was running fine, all bearing and bore surface coated with grease, removed to fit forged engine. gearbox has had some of the bell housing welded I bought it as a spare that I would swap out the bell housing was told it was ok, Steering rack GC swapped out chasing a rattle it was not this. Front drive shafts GC also changed out chasing rattle it was not these in fact never found it. Koni rear shocks GC also thought they were rattling but again they weren't never found it either, rear lower suspension arms with neoprene bushes GC these where swapped out for evo arms (complete rear sus changed to evo) so the links are probably there too. One genuine mag GC. Want the whole lot gone. Other bits and pieces. In the shed hard to get pics.
Please message me.