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Member Since 19 May 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2008 09:12 AM

FS 01/1993 CC GSR (EVO3)

22 June 2008 - 07:05 AM

Dear members.

We are introducing new RULES for posting in the For Sale sections as of MON 18/2/08

If you are a new member ( less than 30 posts ) you can not post for sale threads here.
Any for sale posts made by a new member with less than 30 posts will be deleted immediately.
Please do not post any for sale ads in other forums, as they will be deleted as well.
If you'd like to post here, please establish yourself on the board by introducing yourself, assisting some other members or contributing wherever you can.
ANYONE found to be deliberately increasing their post count in a very short period of time ( post whoring ) will be banned from selling anything on these boards for a period of 3 months from that date.
Defiance of these rules will NOT be tolerated.

This rule will not apply to any current for sale threads that you have made prior to the effective date and you may only attend to it with price changes/description changes etc...and not add more parts.

This new RULE does not effect any WTB (Wanted To Buy) threads and you may post them freely.

This new RULE is being introduced to crack down on members joining with the clear intent of just selling their wares, making a quick buck and disappearing into the night and not to benefit the community as a whole.

Thank you for your Co-operation,

The Admin Team.

WTB: Coilovers to suit GSR

04 June 2008 - 12:29 PM


Coilovers to suit a CC GSR 93"

Item Information: Preferbly to suit australian standards. New or Near New.
Location: ACT
Contact Details: PM or 0404903843
Terms: Pickup or willing to pay for freight.

Many thanks!