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Member Since 03 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active May 18 2012 11:32 AM

In Topic: A must see...click here.

11 August 2007 - 04:47 AM

he must have lost it!

kept me entertained for a good couple of hrs tho. Life would be so boaring without stupid ppl.

In Topic: A must see...click here.

10 August 2007 - 03:58 AM

Holden Marketing Team

We just saw your ad & would like to thank you for bringing to our attention the dire mistakes we've been making regarding pricing of our motor vehicles over the last 60 years. After a lengthy conference with GM International
have re-positioned our prices in the market place & expect all other manufacturers to follow suit in the near future. below are our new base price points for a few holden products.

barina was $13999 / now $33999
viva was $17999 / now $37999
astra was $19999 / now $39999
Lumina was $32999 / now $52999
Captiva was $34999 / now $54999
Rodeo was $46999 / now $66999

Thanks again.

In Topic: A must see...click here.

10 August 2007 - 01:11 AM

g-day gents, I have'nt been on for a while but I'm back to share with you my mornings work, which involved sending e-mails to that joker on carsales.

From: ACCC

Due to several complaints from within the Australian public, The ACCC is requesting that you aquire some knowledge of the free market & modify the price of the said vehicle accordingly.

From: Brainless wog,

Oi brow will you consider a swap for a fully sik crx with 17k of mods brow?

From: Stevie wonder

was just reading the car sales Brale edition & discovered your reasonably priced automobile. I would just like to say that not even I, a blind man would be brainless enough to buy that rubbish.

From: Bert Newton

Im interested in trading my artificial hair implants for that awesome car

From: David hasselhoff

would you consider swapping that awesomly underpriced motoring masterpiece with Kit, from the show nightrider? I wont lie to you tho, kits become a bit of a C$NT in his old age,
I mean If you don't go near him its ok, but every time I have to go into the garage to grab another bottle of scotch he just wont fucking shut up! I mean... sorry i was ranting. Well if your interested, call me :)

From: jay leno

Hi, As you may know, Im a collector of automobiles. I must add that fantastic specimine to my collection, Unfortunatly I can't afford the price your asking, but seeing how ur willing to trade,
I'v decided after hours of consultation with my buying agent that I would like to offer you my street legal, Jet powered car in exchange.

From: Bill gates

I may be a ritch man, but even I wouldnt dish up that kinda dosh for a 17yo car. Instead Im going to donate 30mil to Australian public schools. That way maybe, morons like you wont try
& flogg shitboxes for outragous prices!

From: Original Harlem globe trotters

What up fewl? We've decided to e-mail you from beyond the grave to let you know that you have just as much chace of us purchasing that car, for that price, as you do of selling it to anyone. peace out nigga!

From: Dave

you said your willing to seperate parts from the car right? how much for the front right indicator, the one in the bumper.


From: Borris

[email protected]
I have GAZ M-23 Volga, you will swap yes? ex KGB chase car, v8, very good fast.

In Topic: VIC - South meetup ?

11 February 2007 - 10:51 AM

i dont have my vr4 in vic anymore.. i just bought an r33 gtst tho, i can bring that..

In Topic: cheap chinese cooler Vs good cooler

11 February 2007 - 10:49 AM

i got a cheap arse chinese hybrid knockoff and i get almost ambient temps at 18-20 psi when on boost, according to the haltech data logger... goes up a fair bit when idling for 5 - 10 mins then back straight down as soon as i start driving