Listed is the open/close, (duration), cam height, and lift.
Letter= Cam ID mark
A-26/46 (252) 35.49 9.5mm
B-21/43 (244) 35.20 9.0mm
C-23/57 (260) 35.79 10mm
D-21/51 (252) 35.49 9.5mm
E-16/48 (244) 35.20 9.0mm
F-26/38 (244) 35.20 9.0mm
G-18/62 (260) 35.79 10mm
J-21/51 (252) 34.91 8.5mm
K-18/62 (260) 35.38 9.3mm
A-55/9 (244) 35.20 9.0mm
C-57/15 (252) 35.49 9.5mm
D-54/18 (252) 35.49 9.5mm
E-43/17 (240) 34.91 8.5mm
F-53/07 (240) 34.91 8.5mm
G-63/21 (260) 35.49 9.5mm
H-63/21 (260) 34.91 8.5mm
J-57/15 (252) 34.91 8.5mm
this is from the 4g61t site
my guess you would need a C or G grind inlet and a G grind exhaust
as for them being a turbo or NA grind that would make no difference . however for a turbo you would dail them in with more lobe sep which is easy on a TC
with a single cam you you have to grind the lobe sep into the cam where as the TC can be adjusted to suit
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