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Member Since 20 May 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2011 10:16 PM

In Topic: VR4 cams vs 61NA cams

16 March 2009 - 11:03 AM

Listed is the open/close, (duration), cam height, and lift.
Letter= Cam ID mark
A-26/46 (252) 35.49 9.5mm
B-21/43 (244) 35.20 9.0mm
C-23/57 (260) 35.79 10mm
D-21/51 (252) 35.49 9.5mm
E-16/48 (244) 35.20 9.0mm
F-26/38 (244) 35.20 9.0mm
G-18/62 (260) 35.79 10mm
J-21/51 (252) 34.91 8.5mm
K-18/62 (260) 35.38 9.3mm
A-55/9 (244) 35.20 9.0mm
C-57/15 (252) 35.49 9.5mm
D-54/18 (252) 35.49 9.5mm
E-43/17 (240) 34.91 8.5mm
F-53/07 (240) 34.91 8.5mm
G-63/21 (260) 35.49 9.5mm
H-63/21 (260) 34.91 8.5mm
J-57/15 (252) 34.91 8.5mm

this is from the 4g61t site

my guess you would need a C or G grind inlet and a G grind exhaust
as for them being a turbo or NA grind that would make no difference . however for a turbo you would dail them in with more lobe sep which is easy on a TC
with a single cam you you have to grind the lobe sep into the cam where as the TC can be adjusted to suit

In Topic: Rollcage - Cost

05 March 2009 - 01:14 PM

there are a few ways to do it like removing the roof skin completely(like daves) or you can have the cage lowered through the floor so its sits down from the roof allowing more room to weld it properly

the last cage I had to fit there was about 1/2" around the top each side ( main hoop to front legs )that I couldn't mig
that small section was done with a stick welder and a mirror

I prefur to do my own cages and I trust my work
in fact I made my own mandels to bend 38.1 and 44.45 tube

In Topic: Legend of the Lake 08 footage

12 February 2009 - 06:02 AM

I see Keven M fluked another outright win with that 630z datson
norm gowers must have run well in his VTec mini 7th o/right
norms car runs one of my flywheels

In Topic: Car Trailer

11 February 2009 - 07:42 AM

Whats the going rate on a half decent trailer...one of the low ones??

it does depend on a few things what brakes hyd - electric
do you need a winch ( I sometime do bugger it )
what wheels do you wont and suspention
full floor or not

when I do a car trailer there are a couple of things I like to do - make it low as poss, taper the rear closer to the ground ( makes loading/unloading easier )
keep the guards low enough so the doors open ( arn't hire trailers a pain for this )
I also prefur rocker suspention

I must say I have to build myself other trailer sold mine last year and I'll need one for Phillip Island on anzac day if I get my engine back together

In Topic: Car Trailer

11 February 2009 - 02:54 AM

I think you all need car trailers - did I tell you I make trailers for a living