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Member Since 20 May 2008
Offline Last Active Feb 18 2011 10:16 PM

haunted hills 4/10/08

03 October 2008 - 12:36 AM

well it looks like I'm going to play tomorrow at the new track IPRA are having a there fun day
as the sigma is still broken from sandown ( state race meet ) I've slide some road tyres on the cordia ( my autocross car ) just to get a first hand look at the track

I'll post a report after the w/e

haunted hills 5/10/08

18 September 2008 - 07:36 AM

if any ones interested there is a group 5 hillclimb on the 5th oct at haunted hills

sup regs are on HSCCVs site http://www.holdenclub.com/

I dont know if I'll make it there as yet my sigma has a holed piston atm from sandown
but my plan is to fit up some tyres to the cordia autocross car just to have a look at the track

sandown state race 26-27 july

21 July 2008 - 10:34 PM

well I off to play this w/e at sandown with the sigma
yes we are in the big game ( or the next one up from sprints )
looks like 4 races for me with a 6 and 8 lap on sat and a 10 and 8 on sunday
I'll post a sports report ( from back in the grid more than likely) next week
it seems there are 2 evos in the field like me new guys to racing so I dont know them

new punter to the forum

20 May 2008 - 10:58 AM

I run a 1979 sigma Improved Production circuit car atm still running a 4g54 NA it has dynoed to 119.5 Kw atw and I have a few more bits made to pick up a bit more power but I think the 2.6 will top out around 130 Kw atw

so its time to look at a turbo and to stay in the same class ( 2001 - 3000 )the engine needs to stay under 1764 cc as there is a 1.7 multiplying factor
1764 x 1.7 = 2998
so the game plan is to use a 4g61t as a base
bore it to 85 mm and use *63 forged 9:1 pistons making 1702 cc
that will be using 147 mm H beem rods
that should give a comp ratio with the short stroke of about 8.3 : 1
I have a large port *67 head that will get some port tickling and some stainless valves
I will use a GT2860 and need to fab up a tube header to suit
the engine choice will work out quite good as the engine will bolt up to the gear box my light flywheel and tilton race clutch will also fit up
i will need to make up a new sump and some engine mounts

anyway that the plan hopefully I'll have the turbo engine ready for late in the year
till then the old 2.6 will keep me running

I see that a few on the site get around a fun/sprint days and hillclimb
I may catch up with some of you as I do get let out to play every now and then

hopefully my next play day is in 10 weeks at sandown thats the next state race round