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JC evo1

JC evo1

Member Since 22 May 2008
Offline Last Active Aug 23 2020 07:50 PM

#260769 dougmos evo2 project

Posted by JC evo1 on 15 August 2012 - 11:51 PM

haha wow I guess cutting all those bolts in half has paid off!

#224428 4G63 High Volume oil pump question

Posted by JC evo1 on 17 February 2011 - 03:37 AM

or is this whole "high volume" thing a hoax?

For a 4g63 yes. We don't have problems with oil flow on stock motors, then you rebuild them and block off balance shaft bearings and sometimes remove piston oil jets which increases pressure beyond whats needed.
The stock pump works fine for most as long as you're not pulling big enough G-forces to uncover the pickup and suck air. If anything you could get a lower volume pump which would still provide enough oil yet rob less power and leave more oil in the pan where it should be instead of getting blasted into the head where it has a hard time returning fast enough. This is why porting the bypass valve in the oil filter housing is important, excess oil is pumped out of the oil circuit and straight back into the pan, if you don't do this you will get oil pressure creep at high rpm.

#218387 Evolution III GSR - Updated - new pics Page 12

Posted by JC evo1 on 02 December 2010 - 10:36 PM

However, ive now given a time constraint to have it completed before Xmas.

cohh :ph34r:

#214032 WTF

Posted by JC evo1 on 13 October 2010 - 11:54 AM

haha t04garret, my grammer is t0p n0tch bro. H0wever, wat ur 0n ab0ut here is my spelling. (u g0t busted)

0n my defence, am using the m0bile ph0ne to br0ws and type. So i use the "zero" instead of "o". jst like n0w.

So instead of tapping #6 key 3times to get "o", i tap "space" key 2times to get "0". Fast and easy.

guess ur way older for the m0bile web and chat life . Hehe :D

I don't know which is worse, this post or the dodgy ebay add :lol:

#213888 SOLD: Forged 2L 7 bolt short block, HKS cam gears

Posted by JC evo1 on 12 October 2010 - 10:05 AM

how old are the gears.....If they are in good nick then I will buy

here's a photo, the anodizing is a bit worn off on the teeth, doesn't affect operation though

#185078 My EVO I rebuild.

Posted by JC evo1 on 01 February 2010 - 07:11 AM

serious i fkn love this car haha so fkn clean plus that interior drools*

thanks mate


She got a new brain yet?

nope :thumbsdown::(